May 29, 2020 - 12:00 PM
The process to obtain WPC starts with the removal of water from pasteurised skim milk. As explained earlier, there are two major proteins in milk: casein and whey. Casein, which is the major protein, accounts for approximately 80% of the protein and whey accounts for about 20%. The following is a summary of typical method to manufacture WPC powder. Firstly, milk is pasteurised for a short period of time and held over night. The mixture then begins the cheese making process, which produces curds and liquid whey. The liquid whey is then drained through a stainless steel screen and the remaining curd is cut. The Whey liquid is then filtered. The liquid is filtered to one-fifth its original volume, resulting in whey concentrate that is approximately 80% protein. The final WPC is then spray-dried to achieve whey protein powder. VPA Australia WPC is processed via proprietary ultra-filtration techniques, generating un-denatured and highest quality soluble whey proteins.