Nov 22, 2024 - 06:17 PM
You can benefit from protein powder before or after a workout to help with muscle protein synthesis. Research suggests consuming 20 � 40 grams of protein every 3 � 4 hours for optimal results. You can also use it as a convenient way to increase your overall protein intake throughout the day. [3], [4] Timing your protein intake strategically can maximise its effectiveness. If you consume a high-protein meal an hour before exercising, you could follow up with a protein shake an hour or two after your workout. However, if you're supplementing with protein powder to meet your nutritional needs or support weight loss goals, you can drink a protein shake at any time. Keep in mind that one serving of high-quality protein powder will help satisfy your hunger, so it's best to space your protein shakes around mealtimes to avoid overconsumption.