With most people around the world being housebound, there are only two options – stay bored or get creative. Whether you’re in self isolation or just simply avoiding the crowd, here are 5 things you can do in quarantine with us to help bring out your creative side.
5 things you can do in quarantine
March 25, 2020 3 min read

1. Record your home workout and upload it to our NEW VPA® TV platform for FREE
If you’ve been quarantined, you can still get a great workout in. All you need is a little motivation and creativity. Share your workout routine with the VPA® Fam by uploading it on the VPA® TV. Upload a 15 to 20-minute workout ranging from full body to booty workouts. The VPA® TV platform is here to help you find new workout ideas, save time and be more efficient with your workouts.
Help our community stay fit and submit your entries here:https://www.vpa.com.au/creative-home-workouts
2. Write a blog for us – we will pay $25 per blog article approved by our team
Ever wanted to write a blog about something but haven’t started on it yet? Now would be the perfect time! Wanna share a workout challenge? How about a nutritious recipe for us to try out?
You could write about how you are feeling and what you are doing to keep yourself busy while you are quarantined. You could also share your experience with other people who have been quarantined. This will help them know what to expect and how they can make the best of their situation as well.
Keep track of all the things that you do during your quarantine period so that when you get out, you can share them with others who might be interested in reading about them. This may include things such as exercise routines, recipes that use foods that are available during quarantine, or even just daily journal entries about what it's like being isolated from everyone else in the world for several months at a time!
Any health and fitness topics are welcome, but we don’t mind topics outside this area as well so long as it’s helpful and relevant information.
Submit your entries tosales@vpa.com.au
3. Become a VPA® marketer
If you love our products, there’s a chance you’ve already mentioned us to family and friends. Don’t let it go to waste by utilizing our referral program where you can earn $15 for every new customer you send to us at VPA®. We’ve had this for quite some time now but in case you didn’t know, here’s a chance to earn extra while sharing what you love.
Our top referrer Chelsea, has earned over $3000 in referral cash so far!
You can check out our top referrers list here.
If you already have an account with us, simply login and find your referral link within. Otherwise, please create an account via our website to get one. Please be aware that codes that are placed on coupon sites are disabled and funds are unable to be paid. Check out our VPA® Referral FAQs for more details here.
4. Join us for an at home workout
We have lined up some our amazing ambassadors to run you through a workout you can do at home. Join us on our Instagram Page for an Instagram Live each Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6pm AEST / 7pm ADT
5. Make some high protein snacks
Making some high protein snacks will help you in two ways; first it will help you kill some time, and second, you will have some healthy and high protein snacks to munch on each day. You can find our protein recipes here.
A recent team favourite was the choc caramel protein pancakes which you can find here. These are great for a lazy work from home breakfast!
We hope you can make use of our list of 5 things you can do in quarantine. Do you have any other suggestions? If so, please comment as we’d love to know what they are.
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