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What is Lean Shake Plus?

February 27, 2020 3 min read

What is Lean Shake Plus?

If you’re a fan of our WPI , WPC, or even our protein blends you will know that our goal is to maximise protein per serve, and limit unnecessary ingredients in out products. For this reason customers are sometimes surprised when they look at the ingredient list for our Lean Shake Plus, and wonder why it is different to our other shakes. This blog will answer the questions, what is Lean Shake Plus?, what is it used for, and who can use it?

What is Lean Shake Plus?

Lean Shake Plus is a Formulated Meal Replacement as described by Food Safety Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) in Standard 2.9.3

A Formulated Meal Replacement (FMR) must legally meet several criteria, and contain at least:

  1. 12g of protein per serve.
  2. 850 kilojoules or 203 calories per serve.
  3. 25% of the RDI of 16 vitamins and minerals including Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Iodine, Magnesium and Zinc.

A look at the ingredients of VPA® Lean Shake Plus and you can see that our product contains:

  1. 28g protein (because gains are important, and protein keeps you full!).
  2. 905 kilojoules or 216 calories.
  3. At least 25% RDI of all the required minerals.

Basically, we nailed this product!

Lean Shake Plus (Meal Replacement)-VPA Australia
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Lean Shake Plus can help keep you healthy

FSANZ is strict about the definition of a Meal Replacement, as one serve must provide nutrition equivalent to a food-based meal. Obviously fresh food is the best option, however sometimes a medical condition can prevent someone from eating solid food for a period of time. This is where a FMR can come in handy, providing a drinkable, nutritious meal.

It can help you lose weight

The other purpose of Lean Shake Plus, as indicated by its name, is that it may assist in weight loss. There is nothing in particular about our product, or any other FMR, that is ‘magically’ going to help you lose weight. Instead, it provides you a nutritionally complete, yet low calorie meal. In conjunction with exercise and watching other aspects of your diet, it can help put you into a calorie deficit and help you lose weight.

It is a fast, convenient, on the go snack or meal

Lean Shake isn’t just useful for people trying to lose weight. Yesterday I forgot to bring my lunch to work (again!), but as I am lucky enough to work at VPA®, I was able to crack open a sample sachet of Lean Shake for lunch – one of the many perks of the job! This product may be a convenient option for people who:

  • Are on the road a lot and find it difficult to make and take, or purchase healthy food.
  • Need a source of quick, easy calories.
  • Are disorganized or can’t find the time to meal prep (hi, it’s me!).

It can be used by everyone

Lean Shake isn’t just for mums, men, or people trying to lose weight. It can be used by everyone regardless of their goals. Use it as a meal replacement, a snack, or a convenient meal – the choice is yours.

How is Lean Shake Plus different from other shakes on the market?

All FMRs must conform the FSANZ regulations as described above, and while there will be some differences between brands and products, they will all have the same baseline nutrition. When comparing products consider the following aspects when making your choice.

  1. Protein content – 12g is the minimum quantity per serve, however, looking for a product with a higher protein content would be a better option to help keep hunger at bay and maintain muscle mass.
  2. Price – VPA® Lean Shake Plus is priced at $31 / kg or $1.82 / serve, while other brands targeting men or mums, charge anywhere between $2.25 – $2.99 per serve at full price.

I’m sure this blog covers everything about Lean Shake Plus that you need to know. If not, hit us up at sales@vpa.com.au with any questions that haven’t been answered here.

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Anna Timms


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