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Fat burning zones: What is the Best Heart Rate for Losing Fat?

July 29, 2024 5 min read

Fat burning zones: What is the Best Heart Rate for Losing Fat?

Have you ever wondered what the best heart rate to burn fat is? Your body burns calories to produce energy, but did you know that the intensity of your workout can determine whether those calories come from carbohydrates or fat? Yes, this is where the concept of fat-burning zones comes into play.  

We've all heard the whispers of the magic "fat-burning zone," a theory suggesting a particular heart rate range where your body uses more fat than carbohydrates for fuel. This mythical land of exercise supposedly maximises calorie burn and melts fat away. But is there truth to the legend, and if so, what heart rate should you target? Buckle up, fitness enthusiasts, because we're diving deep into the science of heart rate zones and how they impact your physique and health.

The Truth About Fat-Burning Zones

The good news is that fat-burning zones are real! They correspond to different intensities of exercise, measured by your heart rate. Here's a breakdown of the three main zones:

  • Moderate-Intensity (50–70% of Maximum Heart Rate): This zone, often referred to as the "fat-burning zone," feels comfortable. Many believe that higher-intensity workouts burn more fat, but that's not entirely true. When you exercise at around 60–70% of your maximum heart rate, you allow your body to draw energy primarily from fat stores, optimising fat loss. You can hold a conversation, but you're working up a sweat. Studies suggest your body uses a mix of fat and carbohydrates for fuel. Think brisk walking, jogging at an easy pace, or cycling on flat terrain.
  • Vigourous intensity (70–85% of maximum heart rate): buckle up! This zone pushes you harder. Conversation becomes difficult, and you're breathing heavily. Here, your body relies more on carbohydrates for immediate energy, but the afterburn effect is significant. You continue to burn calories even after your workout ends—a double win! Activities like high-intensity interval training (HIIT), sprinting, or intense swimming fall into this zone.  
  • Maximum-Intensity (85%+ of Maximum Heart Rate): This zone is all-out effort for short bursts. Think sprinting or lifting the heaviest weights you can manage for a few reps. While it burns a tonne of calories during the activity, the window of fat burning is shorter.

Factors Influencing the 'Best' Heart Rate for Fat Burning

Several factors dictate your optimal heart rate for fat burning. These include age, gender, fitness level, and genetics. However, everyone has a unique 'best' heart rate to burn fat, which can be calculated and optimised for maximum fat loss.  

There are two main ways to calculate your heart rate zones:

1. Using your maximum heart rate (MHR):  

This is a traditional method and a good starting point. While not completely personalised, it gives you a general idea of each zone. Here's how to find your MHR:  

Estimated MHR: Subtract your age from 220. (Example: For a 30-year-old, 220 minus 30 = 190 bpm.)  

Once you have your MHR, you can calculate your heart rate zones using the percentages above.

 2. Using the Karvonen Formula (more personalised):

This method considers your resting heart rate (RHR) for a more personalised calculation. Here's what you'll need:  

  • Your maximum heart rate (MHR) (use the formula above or a fitness test)  
  • Your resting heart rate (RHR) (measured first thing in the morning after waking)  

The Karvonen Formula:  

Target Heart Rate = ((MHR - RHR) x % Intensity) + RHR  

Example: Let's say you're 30 years old with an MHR of 190 bpm and a resting heart rate of 70 bpm.

  • To target the moderate-intensity zone (60%):  
    Target HR = ((190 - 70) x 0.6) + 70  
    Target HR = 72 + 70 = 142 bpm        

Heart Rate Monitors and Fitness Trackers

Many heart rate monitors and fitness trackers can estimate your MHR and calculate your heart rate zones based on your age or using your RHR. These can be helpful tools during your workouts.  

Remember: These are just general guidelines. It's important to listen to your body and adjust the intensity accordingly. If you're new to exercise, consult a doctor before starting any vigourous programmes.

So, what's the best zone for fat loss?

The answer, like most things in life, is nuanced. Both moderate- and vigourous-intensity workouts have their merits. Here's when each zone shines:  

  • Moderate-Intensity:Excellent for beginners, those returning from injury, or for longer endurance sessions. It promotes healthy blood sugar management and builds a solid base for more intense workouts later.  
  • Vigourous intensity: ideal for those looking to burn more calories in less time and boost their metabolism. Studies highlight the effectiveness of HIIT for weight loss and overall fitness.

However, the magic truly lies in incorporating both zones into your routine. Here's why:

Variety is key: Sticking to one zone can lead to plateaus. By switching things up, you keep your body challenged and continue to see progress.  

The Afterburn Advantage: Vigourous exercise builds excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), which is the fancy term for your body burning extra calories at rest to recover. Moderate-intensity workouts can then help you sustain this elevated metabolism throughout the day.  

Beyond the Burn: Optimising Your Fitness Journey

While heart rate is a valuable tool, it's not the whole story. Here are some additional factors to consider for peak performance and overall well-being:  

  • Strength Training: Don't underestimate the power of building muscle! Muscle burns more calories at rest, even during moderate activities. Aim for 2-3 strength training sessions per week.  
  • Diet: The role of diet in achieving the best heart rate for fat loss cannot be overstated. Consuming a balanced diet rich in lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables can enhance your workout performance and optimise your fat burn. Some supplements, like green tea extract, can also help increase your metabolism and fat burning rate.  
  • Sleep: When you're sleep-deprived, your body struggles to regulate hormones that impact metabolism and appetite. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night.  
  • Recovery: Listen to your body! Schedule rest days to allow your muscles to repair and rebuild.


Fat-burning zones are a valuable tool, but they're just one piece of the puzzle. By incorporating a variety of exercise intensities, strength training, a healthy diet, and sufficient sleep, you'll create a well-rounded fitness approach that optimises your fat-burning potential and sets you on the path to a healthier, happier you. Remember, consistency is key! So, lace up your shoes, grab your water bottle, and get ready to experience the transformative power of a balanced fitness routine.

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