Challenges have always been a great way to help you reach your goals, but sometimes we need extra motivation. This is why this post is perfect for you! I wanted to share with you seven practical tips that'll help you stick to your fitness challenges.
6 Practical Tips That'll Help You Stick To Your Fitness Challenges
April 03, 2022 3 min read

#1 Manage your time well
You may not be able to control the number of hours in a day, but you can certainly control how you spend it. Identify your priorities and focus on them first. Then allocate time for other activities like exercise or new habits. Doing this will limit distractions, so you can dedicate more time to your fitness goals.
#2 Have an accountability partner
Find someone who will remind you of your goals and will help you stick to them. It can be your spouse, a friend, or someone you met from the fitness challenge. This would help you stay motivated, and having a buddy would help you lose more.
Don't believe us? Well, research was conducted at North Carolina State University that showed that those who had accountability buddies lost more weight than those that did not have any support.
# 3 Create a personalised schedule and stick to it
This practical tip can help you with tip #1. To help manage your time, keep a journal of your schedule and activities on it. This would help you plan your day.
Your workout schedule should fit into your lifestyle and around your current commitments. Be realistic about what you will do and make sure you have time for other activities, such as work, schoolwork, spending time with friends and family, or simply relaxing.
#4 Set up a reward system for yourself
We all have different things we enjoy doing or things that make us happy. Identify those things and set up a reward system for yourself based on meeting specific milestones you've set for your fitness challenge.
Your rewards should be something you look forward to, not something that will distract you from your goals (like a burger and fries). You can also reward yourself by buying guilt-free supplements. We have a variety of supplements you can choose from. This would even help you with your fitness journey! Just make sure your reward doesn't sabotage your efforts! Some great ideas include getting a massage, spending time with friends, or buying new workout clothes.
#5 Use positive self-talk, not negative self-talk
One important habit that can help you stick to your fitness challenges is positive self-talk. Self-talk is the internal monologue or dialogue that you have with yourself. This voice in your head can be extremely powerful. Positive self-talk can motivate and encourage you to stay on track towards your goals, while negative self-talk can negatively impact motivation and make you feel like giving up on your goals.
One way of preventing negative talk is to stop comparing your progress to others. This is a great way to discourage yourself and lose motivation. Remember that each person has their unique journey and what works for someone else may not work for you. Ask your trainer or coach for advice if you need some additional guidance.
#6 Don't forget to have fun
If you aren't having fun, you aren't going to stick with your challenge. It might sound simple, but I often see people making fitness so much harder than it needs to be.
Remember that every exercise, nutrition plan and health tip doesn't need to be a "challenge" or a "struggle." Often, if something is too much of a struggle or doesn't feel like fun, it simply means you are doing the wrong thing for yourself!
Be honest about what is necessary to reach your goal and take the rest out of your plan. Besides, learning new things and meeting other challengers are fun on their own.
Sticking with a fitness challenge takes determination and dedication, but it's worth it. You will feel better physically, mentally, and socially once you accomplish your fitness goals. Try out some of our tips to help you find success in your fitness challenge. You will also be more likely to stick with your fitness challenge if you have the right tools and attitude!
We look forward to your progress with our 8-week challenge!

April Lloren
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